Best quotes by Ricky Hatton on Depression

Checkout quotes by Ricky Hatton on Depression

  • I was getting depressed, I was going out, having a few drinks and the worst thing you can do with depression is add alcohol to it.
    - Ricky Hatton
  • Depression is a serious thing and, after my defeat to Pacquiao, I was facing retirement and didn't cope with it very well.
    - Ricky Hatton
  • We think, 'I'm Ricky Hatton or I'm Tyson Fury, I can take on the world.' You can take on the world in the ring but this problem called depression, you can't take it on.
    - Ricky Hatton
  • Depression is a very serious thing. People don't realise how deadly it can be.
    - Ricky Hatton
  • We're out of our comfort zones with depression. I certainly was and whenever I have bad days now I speak to someone to get it off my chest.
    - Ricky Hatton