Best quotes by Rick Pitino on People

Checkout quotes by Rick Pitino on People

  • After September 11, I don't think people really believe things like this are all that important.
    - Rick Pitino
  • It could happen to anyone when you get hired by a different president. There's a difference in philosophies. It happens. It's a change in CEOs. They have their own people, their own philosophies, and it's different than what Bob stands for.
    - Rick Pitino
  • The only way to get people to like working hard is to motivate them. Today, people must understand why they're working hard. Every individual in an organization is motivated by something different.
    - Rick Pitino
  • Avoid cynical and negative people like the plague. They are killers of potential.
    - Rick Pitino
  • I don't get into these petty things, Kentucky-Louisville. To me, it's nonsense... There will be people at Kentucky that will have a nervous breakdown if they lose to us... They've got to put the fences up on bridges. There will be people consumed by Louisville.
    - Rick Pitino
  • I never thought that shoes would be the reason that you recruit players, but it's a factor. I think we need to get the shoe companies out of the lives of the athletes. I think we need to get it back to where parents and coaches have more of a say than peripheral people, but that's easier said than done.
    - Rick Pitino
  • I care what people think, but it doesn't change my opinion of how to do things.
    - Rick Pitino