Best quotes by Reshma Saujani on Science

Checkout quotes by Reshma Saujani on Science

  • Computer science is not just for smart 'nerds' in hoodies coding in basements. Coding is extremely creative and is an integral part of almost every industry.
    - Reshma Saujani
  • I was definitely one of those girls where my father would sit me at the dinner table and say, 'What's two plus two?' And I'd be like, 'Five!' He would shake his head. Math and science intimidated me.
    - Reshma Saujani
  • In college, I studied political science, policy, and law. My plan was to move to New York, pay off student debt in a year or two, and then run for office.
    - Reshma Saujani
  • We need policymakers to keep an eye on gender and write policies that are explicitly designed to include underserved populations like girls in computer science courses.
    - Reshma Saujani
  • I'm a big proponent of mandatory computer science education. I think the first step is educating policymakers that technology is changing the way that we live and work, and it's happening so fast.
    - Reshma Saujani
  • I was full of pride when President Obama talked about coding in his last State of the Union address. I was proud when Chicago recently made computer science mandatory as a requirement for graduation. To see this elevate to the level of a bigger conversation is progress.
    - Reshma Saujani