Best quotes by Rachel Khoo on Love

Checkout quotes by Rachel Khoo on Love

  • I love watching the fishermen step off their boats and lay out their catch - typically sardines, monkfish and everything you'd find in bouillabaisse.
    - Rachel Khoo
  • I love a waffle but adding the sweet nutty flavour of the butternut squash makes the waffles so much more flavoursome.
    - Rachel Khoo
  • There are a lot of potatoes in Swedish food. They love their potatoes in all forms, they even put potato puree on their hotdogs. You can order a hot dog that has the frankfurter in it, then you have mustard or ketchup, then potato puree and deep fried crunchy onions.
    - Rachel Khoo
  • I love cheese. It intensified when I moved to France. It felt like my cheese shop lady was my dealer because every week I'd say, 'I need this cheese, I need that cheese', and she'd cut me enough for the week but I'd finish a whole piece in one go.
    - Rachel Khoo
  • On Friday, I tend to wrap up at about 5.30pm after a very hectic week at work. I love nothing better than heading straight to my local cinema, the Hackney Picture House, to catch a film with friends.
    - Rachel Khoo