Best quotes by Paul Engle on Poetry

Checkout quotes by Paul Engle on Poetry

  • Poetry is ordinary language raised to the Nth power. Poetry is boned with ideas, nerved and blooded with emotions, all held together by the delicate, tough skin of words.
    - Paul Engle
  • I wanted to write poetry almost a little more than I wanted to eat.
    - Paul Engle
  • All poetry is an ordered voice, one which tries to tell you about a vision in the un-visionary language of farm, city, and love.
    - Paul Engle
  • I began to write poetry in high school, and would ride miles over sandy roads in the fine hills around Cedar Rapids, repeating the lines over and over until I had them right, making some of the rhythm of the horse help.
    - Paul Engle
  • I have published in 'The New Yorker,' 'Holiday,' 'Life,' 'Mademoiselle,' 'American Heritage,' 'Horizon,' 'The Ladies Home Journal,' 'The Kenyon Review,' 'The Sewanee Review,' 'Poetry,' 'Botteghe Oscure,' the 'Atlantic Monthly,' 'Harper's.'
    - Paul Engle