Best quotes by Paul Allen on Brain

Checkout quotes by Paul Allen on Brain

  • The brain is the most complex, challenging scientific puzzle we have ever tried to decode.
    - Paul Allen
  • The thing you realize when you get into studying neuroscience, even a little bit, is that everything is connected to everything else. So it's as if the brain is trying to use everything at its disposal - what it is seeing, what it is hearing, what is the temperature, past experience.
    - Paul Allen
  • The human brain works in, so far, mysterious and wondrous ways that are completely different than the ways that computers calculate. Things like appetite or emotion, how do those function in the brain?
    - Paul Allen
  • What people don't realize is the human body and the brain are so well designed to do - by millions of years of evolution - what we do.
    - Paul Allen
  • Moore's Law-based technology is so much easier than neuroscience. The brain works in such a different way from the way a computer does.
    - Paul Allen
  • I first got interested in the brain through computers.
    - Paul Allen