Best quotes by Orhan Pamuk on Political

Checkout quotes by Orhan Pamuk on Political

  • I have been attacked in Turkey more for my interviews than for my books. Political polemicists and columnists do not read novels there.
    - Orhan Pamuk
  • The challenge is to lend conviction even to the voices which advocate views I find personally abhorrent, whether they are political Islamists or officers justifying a coup.
    - Orhan Pamuk
  • These political movements flourish on the margins of Turkish society because of poverty and because of the people's feeling that they are not being represented.
    - Orhan Pamuk
  • I wanted to tell a romantic and dark side of Ottoman history that was also slightly political, saying to the previous generation of writers, 'Look, I'm interested in Ottoman things, and I'm not afraid of it, and I'm doing something creative.'
    - Orhan Pamuk
  • Novels are political because in them, we try to identify with people who are not like us. And, in that sense, I like the first-person singular because I have to imitate accurately the voice of someone who is not like me. The third-person singular gives me an authority over a character.
    - Orhan Pamuk