Best quotes by Omari Hardwick on Women

Checkout quotes by Omari Hardwick on Women

  • Women are amazing lovers.
    - Omari Hardwick
  • I was raised looking at women who were strong, and they weren't really into playing race cards or playing gender cards. I didn't grow up around women who were like, 'Well, let the boys do that, and let the girls do that.' I didn't really see that in my house.
    - Omari Hardwick
  • Women are so necessary for us in terms of support.
    - Omari Hardwick
  • I have very much been a guy who's acknowledged how many women have directed me, have produced... it's been unbelievable.
    - Omari Hardwick
  • We are a total of our sum parts, right? I came from a family of very strong women - black women. And if I go back as far as my great grandmothers, there was always that love and the ability to be nurturing. Then I grew up in a household where my father was the one who was more affectionate with me.
    - Omari Hardwick