Best quotes by Nina Simone on Me

Checkout quotes by Nina Simone on Me

  • I'll tell you what freedom is to me: no fear. I mean really, no fear!
    - Nina Simone
  • To me, we are the most beautiful creatures in the whole world. Black people. And I mean that in every sense.
    - Nina Simone
  • Did you know that the human voice is the only pure instrument? That it has notes no other instrument has? It's like being between the keys of a piano. The notes are there, you can sing them, but they can't be found on any instrument. That's like me. I live in between this. I live in both worlds, the black and white world.
    - Nina Simone
  • I have to be composed; I have to be poised. I have to remember what my first piano teacher told me: 'You do not touch that piano until you are ready and until they are ready to listen to you.
    - Nina Simone
  • The protest years were over, not just for me but for a whole generation, and in music, just like in politics, many of the greatest talents were dead or in exile, and their place was filled by third-rate imitators.
    - Nina Simone
  • My daughter is in more competition with me. I never wanted to be bigger than my mother or to challenge her.
    - Nina Simone