Best quotes by Nick Denton on Media

Checkout quotes by Nick Denton on Media

  • Three-quarters of our sites - Kotaku, Gawker, Jezebel, Deadspin, Gizmodo, Lifehacker - are led by editors who built their careers within Gawker Media. That's the career path.
    - Nick Denton
  • Most good media come out of somebody saying, 'This should exist; this is something I want to read.'
    - Nick Denton
  • I think people are sort of waking up to it now, how probably the biggest change in Internet media isn't the immediacy of it, or the low costs, but the measurability. Which is actually terrifying if you're a traditional journalist, and used to pushing what people ought to like, or what you think they ought to like.
    - Nick Denton
  • You could argue that as web audiences have grown larger and advertisers have demanded scale, the web has dumbed down - like the mainstream media we so mocked.
    - Nick Denton
  • Web media needs to move to TV metaphor - with full-screen imagery and other content interrupted with full-screen ads.
    - Nick Denton