Best quotes by Nadia Murad on World

Checkout quotes by Nadia Murad on World

  • The world has only one border. It is called humanity. The differences between us are small compared to our shared humanity. Put humans first.
    - Nadia Murad
  • I want to be the last girl in the world with a story like mine.
    - Nadia Murad
  • The terrorists didn't think that Yazidi girls would have the courage to tell the world every detail of what they did to us. We defy them by not letting their crimes go unanswered.
    - Nadia Murad
  • ISIS did not come down from the sky. They found the opportunity to grow, and the world allowed them to grow.
    - Nadia Murad
  • What happened in Iraq and Syria was that the world remained silent as ISIS expanded.
    - Nadia Murad
  • World leaders and, particularly, Muslim religious leaders need to stand up and protect the oppressed.
    - Nadia Murad