Best quotes by Monica Johnson on Christmas

Checkout quotes by Monica Johnson on Christmas

  • During the holiday season, Christmas specifically, it can be hard to be away from family and friends.
    - Monica Johnson
  • It's funny how we 'do' Christmas. Christmas is not something that we do, it is something that was done. It celebrates the long awaited arrival of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. We had nothing to do with it, but what we can do is praise God for the coming of the Lord, who washed away the sins of the world by dying on the cross.
    - Monica Johnson
  • Giving is a really big thing around Christmas, as well it should be. Christmas is about giving, and it all stems from the greatest gift the world has ever received - the gift of Jesus Christ.
    - Monica Johnson
  • The word of God is very important to Christmas. For unto us a child was born, and we should be reminded of how Christ's amazing journey came to be.
    - Monica Johnson
  • There is a lot to celebrate about that little Babe who was laid in a manger. Christians celebrate Christmas because they are thankful for the promise of salvation, which was delivered in human flesh and named Jesus.
    - Monica Johnson
  • Christmas is a Christian holiday, and any self-respecting person of another religion should not celebrate a holiday that they don't believe in. Clearly, Christ is in the name of the holiday, so there should be a belief in Him.
    - Monica Johnson