Best quotes by Michael McIntyre on Me

Checkout quotes by Michael McIntyre on Me

  • I'm sure there are comedians who make jokes about me, but say something funny, not mean.
    - Michael McIntyre
  • I was in Starbucks and the person in front of me said: 'Can I have a tall, skinny, black Americano please?' I said: 'Are you ordering coffee or voting in the U.S. elections?'
    - Michael McIntyre
  • I don't understand people who write blogs and have children. You can't stop in the middle of bathtime and say: 'I'm just going to write a load of words - for free.' I won't do it - unless someone wants to commission me.
    - Michael McIntyre
  • I always used to want everyone to like me, because it used to hurt so much when people made snidey comments or gave me bad reviews, but I've learnt to deal with it.
    - Michael McIntyre
  • I had some terrible times - comparatively speaking. I saddled myself with a load of debt, I wasn't liked by a lot of my fellow comics and I used to blame other people for me not getting a break. But now I realise I just wasn't very good. And as soon as I became good, things took off pretty quickly.
    - Michael McIntyre
  • The people who don't like me are completely irrelevant to me, just as I'm irrelevant to them.
    - Michael McIntyre
  • I don't just like to use punchlines anymore, especially in arenas. They freak me out. There is nothing worse than 15,000 people waiting for a punchline.
    - Michael McIntyre
  • I go to the British Comedy Awards and, you know, quite a few people were making jokes at my expense. It just made me feel awful, because I am there with my wife and she has gone out and bought a dress. And it is my big night and I won, and yet the overriding experience was that of nastiness.
    - Michael McIntyre
  • Sometimes I worry about things changing and people not liking me any more. As a comedian you do feel like you're walking on a knife edge.
    - Michael McIntyre
  • Now I almost overly embrace how weird I am, how I look and how oddly camp I am. It's almost too honest for me because I harboured ambitions to be quite a cool, good-looking guy.
    - Michael McIntyre
  • The only critics who annoy me are the ones who come to my shows even when they're clearly not fans of my work.
    - Michael McIntyre
  • I call people 'captain' a lot and it makes them feel special. Until they hear me using it for everyone, that is.
    - Michael McIntyre