Best quotes by Michael Bay on Movies

Checkout quotes by Michael Bay on Movies

  • I make movies for teenage boys. Oh dear, what a crime.
    - Michael Bay
  • I make movies that audiences like, that I'd want to see. That's all.
    - Michael Bay
  • We don't make movies for critics. I've done four movies; there's millions upon millions upon millions of people who've paid to see them. Somebody likes them. My greatest joy is to sit anonymously in a dark theater and watch it with an audience, a paying audience.
    - Michael Bay
  • I love doing big movies. It's awesome! You have all these toys. The thing I like about this movie is, like they always say, directors have the biggest train sets! Don't tell anyone, but I'd do this for free.
    - Michael Bay
  • I'm done with effects movies for now. When you do a movie like 'Transformers', it can feel like you're doing three movies at once - which is tiring.
    - Michael Bay
  • There are many movies that have done it very badly. The studios have gone for quick profits and audiences are feeling angry. People aren't taking the time and spending the money to do it right. I am.
    - Michael Bay