Best quotes by Mary-Kate Olsen on Me

Checkout quotes by Mary-Kate Olsen on Me

  • I look at old photos of me, and I don't feel connected to them at all. I would never wish my upbringing on anyone... but I wouldn't take it back for the world.
    - Mary-Kate Olsen
  • Me and Ashley feel like we're totally different.
    - Mary-Kate Olsen
  • I usually do get the tomboy parts in the movies, which is kind of like me, but not totally. I like to shop as much as Ashley, but she is a little more of a girlie-girl than me.
    - Mary-Kate Olsen
  • I look at old photos of me, and I don't feel connected to them at all.
    - Mary-Kate Olsen
  • I was never challenged when it came to acting as a youngster. I sort of just did whatever was given to me without asking questions. I didn't really understand why I enjoyed it or why I did it.
    - Mary-Kate Olsen