Best quotes by Martin Luther King III on America

Checkout quotes by Martin Luther King III on America

  • It's time for political leaders across the ideological spectrum to realize that, while partisanship is understandable, hyper-partisanship is destructive to our country. We need more visionary leaders who will earnestly strive for bipartisanship and finding policy solutions that can move America forward.
    - Martin Luther King III
  • Our leaders should certainly engage passionate advocacy of needed reforms, and equally strong criticism of policies they believe are destructive to America. But, from the school boards to the White House, let's elect more candidates who are committed to constructive dialogue and reasonable compromises.
    - Martin Luther King III
  • It's going to take all of us rolling up our sleeves to make America the America that it must become.
    - Martin Luther King III
  • It would be wonderful to have a president who talked about bringing America together and exhibited that, who was involved in doing a social project... that would show humility.
    - Martin Luther King III
  • I believe we should appoint a cabinet-level position that will be solely and fully devoted to ending poverty as we know it in America.
    - Martin Luther King III