Best quotes by Marques Brownlee on People

Checkout quotes by Marques Brownlee on People

  • Being a game changer to me means changing the way other people see things.
    - Marques Brownlee
  • What people don't consider is that tech is a really personal purchase. You spend so much time using it.
    - Marques Brownlee
  • Just make videos about things you love, and people who love the things you love making videos about will find you.
    - Marques Brownlee
  • Every camera shoots horizontal, right? So we're all super used to framing things with lots of horizontal room. We've seen this new wave of Snapchat stories and Instagram stories where people are actually framing for and recording in vertical. Whether it's better or not is debatable.
    - Marques Brownlee
  • I guess I lean toward being an optimist, as far as improving tech being good for people, but that's not to say there are not potential downsides, and you have to stay aware of those downsides.
    - Marques Brownlee
  • I'm not changing any of my opinions or what I'm saying about a product in a video based on my relationship with the company… When they release a product, my job is to be honest and deliver what people want to see and what people need to hear.
    - Marques Brownlee
  • I had an Ultimate jersey on in my first video. I get a lot of comments about it, because a lot of tech people don't know anything about Ultimate.
    - Marques Brownlee