Best quotes by Mario Lemieux on Game

Checkout quotes by Mario Lemieux on Game

  • Hockey is a tough, physical game, and it always should be.
    - Mario Lemieux
  • Since the beginning, I always loved the game. When you grow up in Montreal, one day you want to be a professional hockey player. When I was six or seven, I knew that was what I wanted.
    - Mario Lemieux
  • I think the game has opened up, and that's why I decided to come back and try to be a part of it.
    - Mario Lemieux
  • We, as a league, must do a better job of protecting the integrity of the game and the safety of our players.
    - Mario Lemieux
  • Of course, my family has been a big reason for me to come back, especially my son who loves the game of hockey - he was a big reason for me coming back.
    - Mario Lemieux
  • I didn't like the way the game was being played.
    - Mario Lemieux
  • Well, I think just a desire to come back and be a part of the game again.
    - Mario Lemieux
  • If I could play this game at a decent level, I'd come back and play.
    - Mario Lemieux