Best quotes by Mahershala Ali on People

Checkout quotes by Mahershala Ali on People

  • I'm excited about 'Luke Cage' with Michael Colter, who plays Luke Cage. I play the villain, Cottonmouth. It takes place in Harlem. It'll just be amazing for people to get to see an African-American superhero, which there weren't any when I was growing up.
    - Mahershala Ali
  • Who is that person that comes around and says, 'You are OK, you are worthy, you are special?' That makes all the difference in the world for many of us. Those are the people we appreciate the most.
    - Mahershala Ali
  • I think #OscarsSoWhite is about there not truly being enough people of color represented.
    - Mahershala Ali
  • I loved going to superhero films growing up - you come home, and you pretend to be those people, and it ends up informing much of what you aspire to be. And that's what I will say is important about the genre.
    - Mahershala Ali
  • As young people, you want to see people who in some way look like you to some degree, because it makes it a little easier for you to aspire to take on the qualities of those people.
    - Mahershala Ali
  • I'd always wanted to do a Marvel project, and I'd always imagined getting to play one of the superheroes because it's such a hard thing to get. It's the parts that only go to a few people. The flip side of that is the antagonists are pretty awesome.
    - Mahershala Ali
  • The people that I admire have a wonderful balance of self-belief and humility.
    - Mahershala Ali