Best quotes by Ma Yansong on Culture

Checkout quotes by Ma Yansong on Culture

  • 'Shan shui' you can literally translate as 'mountain and water.' In traditional Chinese culture, there are a lot of paintings about shan shui, but now we're talking about a shan-shui city.
    - Ma Yansong
  • I grew up in Beijing, and there weren't many modern buildings during my childhood. I was influenced by traditional culture - the courtyards, the hutongs, the old city, and all the art forms - so, very naturally, I brought this to my practice.
    - Ma Yansong
  • Chinese people need to be aware of their present and ask, 'What's our culture? What can we bring to the world?' I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
    - Ma Yansong
  • I think where traditional values are concerned, Chinese people see nature as very symbolic. It's a form of culture.
    - Ma Yansong
  • Although we're architects, we believe we do culture; architecture is culture, and the topics we tackle will always arise a broader debate.
    - Ma Yansong
  • In our traditional culture, people have a very different view towards nature than in Western culture. We consider humans as part of nature. But in the West, they talk about protecting nature. That's a joke because nature doesn't care; it's humans who need to protect themselves.
    - Ma Yansong
  • Chaoyang Park Plaza is about how to carry the traditional culture into a new format in modern architecture. Instead of building a boundary between the city and the park, I tried to design this building to emerge from the natural landscape.
    - Ma Yansong