Best quotes by Lynda Barry on Me

Checkout quotes by Lynda Barry on Me

  • It's not hard for me to be funny in front of people, but most of that is just horrified nerves taking the form of what makes people laugh, and afterwards I'd always feel dreadfully depressed, kind of self-induced bi-polar disorder.
    - Lynda Barry
  • If I had had me for a student I would have thrown me out of class immediately.
    - Lynda Barry
  • People think that whatever I put into strips has happened to me in my life.
    - Lynda Barry
  • I remember my comic strips being called 'new wave.' It bugged me.
    - Lynda Barry
  • My mom didn't want me to go to college. She didn't want me to read - when I read, I may as well have been holding a pineapple.
    - Lynda Barry
  • Part of a horror movie has to be a bit fakey for me to really enjoy it. The new ones are so realistic that they distract me from the ride through the horror.
    - Lynda Barry
  • The thing that really struck me when I went to junior high was class. I grew up on a pretty poor street, but the school district I was in included some fine neighborhoods - so I got to know a couple of the kids from those places and went to their houses and experienced such culture shock.
    - Lynda Barry