Best quotes by Ludwig Goransson on Music

Checkout quotes by Ludwig Goransson on Music

  • I'd love to work with Frank Ocean. I really like his music.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • These days, you're always surrounded by music and sounds, whether you're in the mall or a subway car.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • I just want to say, creating music with Childish Gambino has been one of the greatest joys of my life.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • If you're a film composer, you have the music tell the story of the character.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • In western classical music with an orchestra, you focus the orchestra on melodies and harmony. In African music, the biggest focus is on rhythms and counter-rhythms - the complexity of rhythms.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • I think, for me, a way to really come up with new ideas and come up with new ways of writing music is to create a unique sound palette or soundscape for all the films I'm working on.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • I'd say for a film composer, 'Star Wars' is kind of like the holy grail of film music. It's probably the best film music ever written.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • One of the first things I want do when I start writing music for a film is to create its own sound world, its own music world.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • Needless to say, when I work on a film, it's mostly just me alone in my room just waiting to present the music to the director - and either he likes it or not.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • Any time I get a chance to work with artists that make me inspired and learn new stuff about music - every chance I get, I'll take.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • Every now and then, as a composer and producer, it's important to write music for yourself.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • Growing up, I was listening to a lot of Metallica, a lot of instrumental guitar music because I started out as a guitar player.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • If you make modern rap music, how do you write without ripping off anyone else? It's just about having a distinct voice in your songs.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • I haven't really ever seen a big budget Hollywood film with African music. Most of the time, it's just Hollywood's perception of what African music is.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • I'm always trying to experiment and come up with new palettes of sound and new combinations of music that you haven't really seen or heard in film before.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • I was drawn to West Africa. I did listen to a bunch of different styles of African music, and there was something about the percussion and the drums of West Africa, and the energy, that felt so cinematic to me.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • So much music in Africa was created for specific moments, written for rituals or for a funeral or for challenges, thousands of years ago, and these rhythms are still used.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • I traveled to a library in South Africa called ILAM (International Library of African Music), which has a collection of about 500 different instruments that don't really exist anymore.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • I think to try to make new music and new ideas, you have to push the boundaries of existing music.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • I think with everything I do, I'm trying to just come up with new ways of creating music and mixing styles together. That's just what's fun for me to do, to try to make myself inspired.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • So when I'm listening to music, I'm listening to a lot of hip-hop to be inspired and to hear new things.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • I've worked with Childish Gambino for so long, so I've learned that from those producing skills - how to really produce music - where, of course, it's about writing, but it's also about combining sounds and styles and genres.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • I would say that 'Creed' has a lot more music in it. It's 60 minutes of music, while 'Fruitvale' had about a fourth of that at best. There's a bigger focus in 'Creed' because I had to make music for training montages.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • I've produced all of Childish Gambino's music.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • Music in Africa is perceived so differently than Western classical music - it's language and storytelling.
    - Ludwig Goransson
  • As a kid growing up in Sweden loving American music, I always dreamt of migrating here and working with brilliant artists like Donald Glover.
    - Ludwig Goransson