Best quotes by Luciana Berger on Food

Checkout quotes by Luciana Berger on Food

  • In 2008/9 26,000 people in the U.K. relied on emergency food aid from a foodbank; which was 26,000 too many.
    - Luciana Berger
  • All too easily I have had people dismiss food poverty as an affliction of the workless and idle, insinuating that it is a way of life only for those who choose it. Yet the reality couldn't be more different.
    - Luciana Berger
  • Most people who rely on food banks are there through no fault of their own.
    - Luciana Berger
  • For many food poverty is the product of a toxic combination of low wages, austerity economics, spiralling food prices and lengthy delays to benefit payments, all of which should concern us.
    - Luciana Berger
  • There are a lot of myths about food banks, but the truth is that many people are increasingly having to turn to them just to put food on the table, including many in work.
    - Luciana Berger
  • Advertising has moved online, with the rise of the 'advergame.' These are compelling online games, often aimed at the under-15s, designed to promote a high-fat or high-sugar food or drink. Advergames are advertising disguised as entertainment. If they didn't work, the food and drink industry wouldn't be investing in them.
    - Luciana Berger
  • It is true that food banks are a sign that the British retain their altruistic instincts. I support my local food banks whenever and however I can. But I am deeply concerned about their normalisation.
    - Luciana Berger
  • No one walks into a food bank with their head held high.
    - Luciana Berger
  • Food poverty exists because of unemployment, low wages, high costs of heating, as well as problems at the DWP including delays in receiving social security, and the cruel and unfair Bedroom Tax.
    - Luciana Berger