Best quotes by Liz Murray on Life

Checkout quotes by Liz Murray on Life

  • Like my mother, I was always saying, 'I'll fix my life one day.' It became clear when I saw her die without fulfilling her dreams that my time was now or maybe never.
    - Liz Murray
  • I feel like my life has been a series of miracles. I was in every sense a lost cause.
    - Liz Murray
  • I feel like my life has been a series of miracles. I was in every sense a lost cause.
    - Liz Murray
  • I realized that I had the ability to carve out a life for myself, that it was in no way limited by what had already occurred in my past. And that inspired me to go to school.
    - Liz Murray
  • I've learned in my life that you really don't know what's possible until you're already doing it.
    - Liz Murray
  • I've learned in my life that you really don't know what's possible until you're already doing it.
    - Liz Murray
  • I guess if there is a big spiritual experience in my life, it is me becoming a mother.
    - Liz Murray
  • If I could have a family and a home one night, and all of it's gone the next, that must mean that life has the capacity to change. And then I thought, 'Whoa! That means that just as change happens to me, I can cause change in my life.'
    - Liz Murray