Best quotes by Liv Tyler on Life

Checkout quotes by Liv Tyler on Life

  • Life excites me-just little, normal, everyday things. Getting out of bed. Getting dressed. Making food. I find it all exciting.
    - Liv Tyler
  • I always wanted to be a singer - my whole life, all I ever did was sing around the house.
    - Liv Tyler
  • I've sung my whole life. I've taken lots of voice lessons and I love to sing. But I've never really sung professionally at all.
    - Liv Tyler
  • Working with Bernardo Bertolucci was one of the greatest highlights of my whole life. It was such an incredible opportunity for me.
    - Liv Tyler
  • My life has been so extraordinary.
    - Liv Tyler
  • My life has been so extraordinary.
    - Liv Tyler
  • From a very young age, I had this idea that if you are very successful in your career, and you're giving all of your attention to that, then your family life... possibly will not flourish as it might.
    - Liv Tyler
  • Mom was only 23 when she had me, and there's a version of my story where we could have lived in New York, and she could have had a very high-profile life, and I could have been raised by nannies.
    - Liv Tyler