Best quotes by Leona Lewis on People

Checkout quotes by Leona Lewis on People

  • People will always show their true selves in the end.
    - Leona Lewis
  • I get road rage. I can't drive because I cuss people out.
    - Leona Lewis
  • I don't mind letting people in a little bit, but I have learned from the past not to talk too much about my relationships and to keep things as private as possible.
    - Leona Lewis
  • It takes me a while to come out of myself and get to know people.
    - Leona Lewis
  • If I can inspire people by showing that following a dream by working hard and being determined is possible, it's amazing.
    - Leona Lewis
  • A lot of people can have a lot of different influences, everyone can be compared in some way to someone whether they are from 60 years ago or more recent.
    - Leona Lewis
  • I've still kind of maintained a low profile but people still kind of recognize you and will come up to you, and that's taken a bit of getting used to.
    - Leona Lewis
  • People write music, and the music is out there for people to interpret it how they want to.
    - Leona Lewis