Best quotes by Lee Hsien Loong on World

Checkout quotes by Lee Hsien Loong on World

  • The world is a diverse place. Nobody has a monopoly on virtue or wisdom.
    - Lee Hsien Loong
  • Maybe Americans feel they don't need the rest of the world anymore, and they wish it would go away. We don't have that option.
    - Lee Hsien Loong
  • I hope to develop our relationship with the Trump administration and with the United States. It's a very sound relationship that's based on the basic strategic congruence of views about the world, about the region.
    - Lee Hsien Loong
  • I think we are paying a lot of attention to China one way or the other. They are a big factor in the world. They are successful; they are growing. They want to grow their influence, and all the countries in Asia want to be their friend and want to benefit from China's development and success.
    - Lee Hsien Loong
  • If you interview world leaders, everybody will say they are for free trade. But what they mean by it and what they do when they say they are pro free trade, you have to watch and see.
    - Lee Hsien Loong
  • The U.S. is not a claimant state in the South China Sea or in the China-Japan dispute over the Senkaku Islands. But, of course, the 7th Fleet has been a presence in the region since the Second World War, and it is the most powerful fleet in the region.
    - Lee Hsien Loong
  • We are open to the world; the world is at our doorstep. It washes in, not just through the windows, but we are immersed in it completely - through the Internet, through the media, through people traveling, coming here, as well as Singaporeans going abroad.
    - Lee Hsien Loong
  • No country can be an island unto itself or world unto itself. Not even the biggest country.
    - Lee Hsien Loong