Best quotes by Kurt Elling on Music

Checkout quotes by Kurt Elling on Music

  • It must be a hellish thing to know what's possible in music, to be hearing things all the time and not have an appropriate outlet for them.
    - Kurt Elling
  • There's a spiritual complement to any attempt at transposing a commitment to humanity through music or art.
    - Kurt Elling
  • Of course we all know when music's too much in the head, and we define our greatest players by the way they are able to communicate directly from their emotional selves.
    - Kurt Elling
  • The singer is always an ambassador of music.
    - Kurt Elling
  • If you're going to be transparent, you're going to have to let the music come that wants to come.
    - Kurt Elling
  • I think my intention was there, and my love for the music was apparent. And there are very few singers who get up and desire to take the kinds of risks that jazz musicians routinely need to be taking.
    - Kurt Elling