Best quotes by Kris Kobach on Will

Checkout quotes by Kris Kobach on Will

  • My hope is that Kansas will be to stopping election fraud what Arizona is to stopping illegal immigration.
    - Kris Kobach
  • My position is if you double vote, we will find you and it will be a heavy hit to the wallet.
    - Kris Kobach
  • There are some in the establishment who dislike a candidate who thinks for himself and isn't easily controlled by the Washington establishment. I will be someone who will be taking a firm stand on principle and will not be knuckling under whenever the establishment snaps its fingers.
    - Kris Kobach
  • President Trump needs a senator who will lead the charge for him.
    - Kris Kobach
  • If I am elected, God willing, to the United States Senate, I will be leading the charge for President Trump.
    - Kris Kobach
  • We will build the wall faster and better if I'm elected.
    - Kris Kobach