Best quotes by Kobe Bryant on Me

Checkout quotes by Kobe Bryant on Me

  • Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise.
    - Kobe Bryant
  • One thing you gotta know about me is I have absolutely no filter. I have no problem saying what the hell I think of someone.
    - Kobe Bryant
  • What people see on court is another side of me; it's not me.
    - Kobe Bryant
  • You want me to own a team and deal with these rich, spoiled stubborn athletes, and try to get them to perform? No thank you.
    - Kobe Bryant
  • There's been a lot of talk of me being a one-man show but that's simply not the case. We win games when I score 40 points and we've won when I score 10.
    - Kobe Bryant
  • Can I jump over two or three guys like I used to? No. Am I as fast as I used to be? No, but I still have the fundamentals and smarts. That's what enables me to still be a dominant player. As a kid growing up, I never skipped steps. I always worked on fundamentals because I know athleticism is fleeting.
    - Kobe Bryant
  • The Black Mamba collection of watches is me: It is my alter ego, so to speak. As I mentioned before, it is sharp, cutting edge and sleek which are characteristics I try to apply when I'm out there on the basketball court.
    - Kobe Bryant
  • The people who truly know me know what I'm like. There have been people who try to say things that aren't fair, and I check them. And then they don't like me because I checked them.
    - Kobe Bryant
  • It's disgusting, but my father taught me when your mouth gets dry, just suck the sweat out of your own jersey. There's no bravado to any of it; it's just a disgusting little trick.
    - Kobe Bryant
  • It's hard for me to grasp the concept of somebody being nervous when I'm talking to them.
    - Kobe Bryant
  • I'm extremely willful to win, and I respond to challenges. Scoring titles and stuff like that... it sounds, well, I don't care how it sounds - to me, scoring comes easy. It's not a challenge to me to win the scoring title, because I know I can.
    - Kobe Bryant
  • Dropkick Murphys get me going, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana... plus, all the regular hip-hop stuff.
    - Kobe Bryant
  • It never bothered me when people would say, 'You only win championships because you're playing with Shaq.' It bothered me when he said it.
    - Kobe Bryant