Best quotes by Kirstie Alley on Fat

Checkout quotes by Kirstie Alley on Fat

  • There's a lot more to life than how fat or thin you are.
    - Kirstie Alley
  • The reason I went for Jenny Craig is I thought, Maybe I'm not the only one who has stupid reasons for getting fat.
    - Kirstie Alley
  • I was really tired of words like 'plus size,' 'round' and 'large.' I thought, 'Come on, we're fat.'
    - Kirstie Alley
  • It was the greatest thing in the world getting fat. Every meal out was an event. Or we'd go to Italy and we'd have pasta, truffles, and dessert and then plan the next incredible meal. It was a happy-go-lucky time. I never had so much fun.
    - Kirstie Alley
  • I've been irresponsible many, many, many times and that has resulted in my being fat.
    - Kirstie Alley
  • I'm fat! There's nothing else to call it.
    - Kirstie Alley
  • If you stop exercising - which I did - and if you stop watching your caloric intake - which I did - you're gonna get fat.
    - Kirstie Alley