Best quotes by Kirk Hammett on Guitar

Checkout quotes by Kirk Hammett on Guitar

  • After months of playing air guitar to 'Free Bird', what really got me into guitar was watching a documentary about Jimi Hendrix and picking up the Woodstock soundtrack. Listening to his version of 'Star Spangled Banner' and 'Purple Haze.' My brother played acoustic guitar and, idolising him, I thought, 'I'm going to get a guitar.'
    - Kirk Hammett
  • On 'Metallica,' I recorded six or seven different guitar solos for almost every song, took the best aspects of each solo, mapped out a master solo and made a composite. Then I learned how to play the composite solo, tightened it up and replayed it for the final version.
    - Kirk Hammett
  • I feel really fortunate that, in playing guitar and surfing, I've found two things that mean so much to me, and which really complement each other. There's definitely a spiritual thing to both of them; they totally connect you to a higher realm.
    - Kirk Hammett
  • I would have to say I'm bored with the standard rock, guitar solos, but I've done it for five albums now, and this time I wanted to go in a completely different direction. I wasn't interested in showing off any more.
    - Kirk Hammett
  • I didn't want to fall into the trap of competing with all these other great guitar players. I just want to sidestep the whole thing and get out of the race.
    - Kirk Hammett
  • Guitar players in the nineties seem to be reacting against the technique oriented eighties.
    - Kirk Hammett
  • The concept of clearing one's mind before performing a task so that it is consumed by nothing but that task, yet is open at the same time to anything that might happen - that concept can be applied to playing guitar, and it's enormously helpful for improvising.
    - Kirk Hammett
  • Jeff Beck is one of my heroes and has been since I first picked up a guitar.
    - Kirk Hammett
  • It really shocked me just to hear of the fans' response to 'St. Anger' not having guitar solos.
    - Kirk Hammett
  • If a guitar is too easy for me to play, it makes me too laid back. I like to battle with my guitar.
    - Kirk Hammett
  • Guitar playing is both extremely easy for me and extremely difficult for me at the same time.
    - Kirk Hammett
  • One thing I've noticed over the years is that young players - I mean 10- and 12-year-olds - really like my guitar style. There's something in my guitar style that they totally can latch onto and learn quickly, and then go from there to your Yngwie Malmsteens or your Steve Vais or whatever.
    - Kirk Hammett
  • When I got my first Marshall amp, it was so empowering. No one ever forgets their first Marshall amp if you're a guitar player pursuing a big powerful sound. I mean, no one ever forgets their first Marshall amp.
    - Kirk Hammett