Best quotes by Keri Russell on Me

Checkout quotes by Keri Russell on Me

  • I want to be able to raise my kid. I was totally being a martyr about it at first, thinking I could totally do it on my own, which I did for a while. I've hired a babysitter before, but as for a full-time caregiver... for a control freak like me, it ain't gonna happen!
    - Keri Russell
  • I was a huge fan of 'Arrested Development,' and there's just something it tickles in me and it's bright and it's hilarious.
    - Keri Russell
  • Acting happened to me. If I had pursued it, I think it would have been like someone going to a bar, desperately looking for love and not finding anyone.
    - Keri Russell
  • People still take it really personally. They come up to me at breakfast places like, 'When are you growing your hair back?'
    - Keri Russell
  • I like getting to be in the adult world a little bit and then getting to be in the mom world and cook dinners. And, for me, that balance is what makes it nice.
    - Keri Russell