Best quotes by Kenneth Clarke on Political

Checkout quotes by Kenneth Clarke on Political

  • The political health of Britain has deteriorated very sharply. The Conservative Party must do something about it. I am the man to do it.
    - Kenneth Clarke
  • My entire political career has been based on building up Britain's political standing and economic prosperity through our membership of the E.U. and the European project.
    - Kenneth Clarke
  • Britain's political voice depends on our role as a leading and influential member of the E.U. If we leave, we are of less value to our allies and of less concern to our enemies. We need the strongest voice we can get in the dangerous modern world.
    - Kenneth Clarke
  • When E.U. governments are able to agree on political and economic policies, they will remain a superpower to influence the Americans, the Russians, Indians and Chinese over the coming decades. Britain on its own would resume the decline which continued through most of the 20th century.
    - Kenneth Clarke
  • All political careers are a rollercoaster.
    - Kenneth Clarke