Best quotes by Ken Hakuta on People

Checkout quotes by Ken Hakuta on People

  • Most people think the Shakers are in Pennsylvania. They tend to confuse them with the Amish.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • People came to my house in limos looking for WallWalkers, and they made emergency calls, breaking into our phone conversations trying to order them.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • Contrary to what most people believe, fads are made, not born.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • Many young people don't vote because they feel unwelcome and irrelevant, and that's the system's fault... As much as MTV tries to get them to vote, politicians don't include young voters because young voters don't donate money.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • In warm weather, people are sillier.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • In California, you want to have the strangest thing, be doing the strangest thing. People admire that.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • People in Los Angeles are more used to acting silly than other people.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • Most people who have had big fads have turned out to be just like their products: one-shot deals.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • People always ask me how I got interested in the Shakers, but I have no clear-cut answer.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • I want to be the Ann Landers for fad people.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • Other people might buy a Rolls-Royce. I'd rather encourage people to be creative.
    - Ken Hakuta