Best quotes by Ken Hakuta on Money

Checkout quotes by Ken Hakuta on Money

  • Lack of money is no obstacle. Lack of an idea is an obstacle.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • It's incredible how much money you can make on a rubber toy.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • I've become obsessed with preserving Shaker furniture. I feel as though every influence in my life, everything I've learned and know, all the money I've made, has come together to take care of it.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • Many young people don't vote because they feel unwelcome and irrelevant, and that's the system's fault... As much as MTV tries to get them to vote, politicians don't include young voters because young voters don't donate money.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • It's crazy to go into manufacturing. That's not where the money is.
    - Ken Hakuta
  • There are some keys to success in the fad business. One is never give up. You need total motivation and the right kind of creativity. You also have to back the right activity. It is a disaster if you back the wrong idea with your energy. You not only lose money, but you take a big social risk.
    - Ken Hakuta