Best quotes by Kelly Marie Tran on Me

Checkout quotes by Kelly Marie Tran on Me

  • When I'm driving past the place I used to work, or when I'm driving past the comedy studio where I used to take photos in exchange for classes, or when I'm driving past the yoga studio I used to clean on the weekends - it's not that far removed from me yet. I get very sentimental over things like that.
    - Kelly Marie Tran
  • I have a great family and great friends, and I think that they'll keep me grounded.
    - Kelly Marie Tran
  • If I am just, like, on a run by myself, I've never been stopped. Even if I'm at Target buying my own action figure, people would not believe that it's me. I actually was like, 'This is me!'
    - Kelly Marie Tran
  • I do feel like my improv training has helped me throughout my entire audition process only because the idea of 'yes and-ing' applies to everything.
    - Kelly Marie Tran
  • I actually read 'The Last Jedi' before 'The Force Awakens' came out. It totally helped me, though! The idea of this franchise that I already knew was such a big cultural thing, I was sort of given this freedom to be honest with that character and not have this pressure of making her something else that we had already seen in this universe.
    - Kelly Marie Tran
  • So much of me is because of what my parents experienced in this country. So much of me is because of the things my parents overcame so that I could have the luxury of having a dream.
    - Kelly Marie Tran
  • 'Star Wars' is so much bigger than any single person involved, so you feel like you want to do that justice and also feel like you want to do justice to that little girl inside me that never saw anyone who looked like her, that person who's starving for representation - it's a lot.
    - Kelly Marie Tran