Best quotes by Katharine Gun on Life

Checkout quotes by Katharine Gun on Life

  • I was arrested on suspicion of breach of Official Secrets Act in March 2003, but they didn't charge me until November. Now, the in-between months, I was bailed and re-bailed, and my life was on standstill. I was in limbo. It was a difficult time for me and my family, because we just did not know what the future held for us.
    - Katharine Gun
  • After the initial flurry of media interest, I was left to figure out how to move on with my life - and that proved hard. I was glad to get back to what I hoped would be normality, but the effect on me had been traumatising.
    - Katharine Gun
  • Working at GCHQ was a relatively easy, reliable job. As long as you always toe the 'party line', you are more or less guaranteed a job for life.
    - Katharine Gun
  • All I can say is that you have to live with your conscience at the end of your life, and it's the only thing that you have that belongs to yourself and nobody else.
    - Katharine Gun
  • You just have to get on with life, there's no alternative. You could curl up in a ball on your bed, but that's not going to achieve anything.
    - Katharine Gun
  • There was this saying in GCHQ that, if you didn't leave after five years, you stay there for life. It was always my intention to leave before five years.
    - Katharine Gun
  • In any walk of life, you can choose to do the right thing.
    - Katharine Gun