Best quotes by Justin Trudeau on People

Checkout quotes by Justin Trudeau on People

  • Canada has always been there to help people who need it.
    - Justin Trudeau
  • Living your life in the public eye is a greater burden than most people can imagine.
    - Justin Trudeau
  • At one point, people are going to have to realize that maybe I know what I'm doing.
    - Justin Trudeau
  • Can I actually make a difference? Can I get people to believe in politics once again? Can I get people to accept more complex answers to complex questions? I know I can. I know that's what I do very well.
    - Justin Trudeau
  • I think people are looking at Canada and realizing we're a place that is building for the long term and where the world's going to be.
    - Justin Trudeau
  • For generations, Canada has been built by hard-working people who want to make sure their kids have a better life than they did.
    - Justin Trudeau
  • People in the street will either call me 'Prime Minister' or 'Justin.' We'll see how that goes. But when I'm working, when I'm with my staff in public, I'm 'Prime Minister.' I say that if we're drinking beer out of a bottle, and you can see my tattoos, you should be comfortable calling me 'Justin.'
    - Justin Trudeau
  • I think people understand that if you're going to have a successful economy, you need people's potential to be realized. That means education. It means university education, sure, but it also means training, apprenticeships and various kinds of skills diplomas that we know are necessary.
    - Justin Trudeau
  • People are very much worried that our kids are not going to inherit the same opportunities that we inherited from our parents.
    - Justin Trudeau
  • Open nominations means it is local Liberals who choose who gets to be their representative. But what that doesn't mean is that somebody can behave any which way and bully other people out of the nomination and then be the last person standing.
    - Justin Trudeau
  • People are very sophisticated in their concerns about various parties, in their hopes for what the next government could look like. And I'm not going to prejudge any possible outcomes.
    - Justin Trudeau