Best quotes by Justin Peck on New

Checkout quotes by Justin Peck on New

  • There is a clearing for new creative thought in choreography. I don't feel intimidated; there is a lot I can do that is new or innovative or different.
    - Justin Peck
  • I love seeing New York City Ballet from the fourth ring, just seeing the architecture of how these bodies move from above.
    - Justin Peck
  • There is something about Dior that reminds me of New York City Ballet. They both have a classic, glamorous basis but are trying to evolve the arts in new and innovative ways.
    - Justin Peck
  • There is something very cyclical about the way fashion designers work. They work and work and work, the collection is finally shown, and after those 15 minutes, they must start over from the beginning. This is not unlike the way I work creating new dances.
    - Justin Peck
  • My intention is to make sure that the new work being created for the ballet world is relevant.
    - Justin Peck
  • When I'm making a new ballet, I usually read through the score a little bit, and then I have to go back and translate or transcribe all the counts for dancers because the way that you hear it is completely different from the way the musicians read and play it.
    - Justin Peck
  • I grew up going on vacations with my family to New York every summer, and it's something that I always looked forward to. They'd take me to theater and shows and interesting restaurants, so I was genuinely really excited to move there.
    - Justin Peck
  • I feel like there is a different, new energy when I collaborate with a living artist, whether it be a composer, designer, lighting designer. I love that process.
    - Justin Peck