Best quotes by Julia Davis on People

Checkout quotes by Julia Davis on People

  • I think I am generally prone to exaggerating characters, taking them to a ridiculous extent. But you do also meet those people in real life who are just really awful.
    - Julia Davis
  • I think most people, including me, like to read gossipy things about others: revealing things that I love to read but I don't really want known about me.
    - Julia Davis
  • I'm quite tactful, actually. I worry about whether people are all right. With my friends, obviously, conversations are quite free and uncensored, but I would never enjoy making someone feel uncomfortable at all.
    - Julia Davis
  • People say the comedy is so shocking, but if you read newspapers or look around generally - I mean, obviously I'm not writing about all the lovely things that there are, which I do see as well - but there is a lot of outrageousness around, slightly covered up. And obviously, it's fun to take that a little bit further.
    - Julia Davis
  • I always imagine people give succinct answers. I have no prepared thoughts on what I do.
    - Julia Davis
  • People who know my track record know when I've got a vision in mind, I'll see it through. But sometimes it's hard to convey what you're trying to achieve.
    - Julia Davis