Best quotes by Judit Polgar on Life

Checkout quotes by Judit Polgar on Life

  • Being professional means 100% is not enough. Number one, two and three in my life was chess. The reality for women is, when a child comes into the picture, priorities change.
    - Judit Polgar
  • My life story is very special. I was raised with a special family as both my parents are teachers. They decided before I was born that I was going to be a chess champion.
    - Judit Polgar
  • My life story is very special. I was raised with a special family as both my parents are teachers. They decided before I was born that I was going to be a chess champion.
    - Judit Polgar
  • I was happy that at home we were a closed circle and then we went out playing chess and saw the world. It's a very difficult life and you have to be very careful, especially the parents, who need to know the limits of what you can and can't do with your child.
    - Judit Polgar
  • I played against men most of my life because our goal was that I wanted to reach the highest potential to be an absolute world champion.
    - Judit Polgar