Best quotes by Joseph Wambaugh on People

Checkout quotes by Joseph Wambaugh on People

  • When I interview people accused of capital offenses, I never even ask if they did it. I would consider that unprofessional.
    - Joseph Wambaugh
  • Jury selection is strictly an emotional process. They're looking for people they can manipulate. Both sides are.
    - Joseph Wambaugh
  • You've got people who are looking at DNA evidence and other evidence like that and they're ignoring it.
    - Joseph Wambaugh
  • What is it about the component of fire? People have written about it. People have wondered about it.
    - Joseph Wambaugh
  • As a cop, I dealt with every kind of bum and criminal. They all have more integrity than some Hollywood people.
    - Joseph Wambaugh
  • What I didn't know was that if I didn't stand with my back to the wall, Hollywood people would unscrew my ass and sell it down the river.
    - Joseph Wambaugh