Best quotes by Jose Gonzalez on Music

Checkout quotes by Jose Gonzalez on Music

  • It was a big surprise when I started to get attention in Sweden, going from biochemistry studies to touring and living from music only. There were a couple of years while I went to university when I was OK with thinking of music as just a nice recreation.
    - Jose Gonzalez
  • The music that I'm known for is quiet and gentle, although when I was growing up and as a teenager, I was playing the opposite - I was screaming and playing bass and those loud electric guitars.
    - Jose Gonzalez
  • I can live for my music, but I don't need to be recognized everywhere.
    - Jose Gonzalez
  • We always had a guitar at home, but it wasn't until I was 14 when I picked it up myself when my father handed me these sheets of music of the Beatles and some other classics. That's where I learned all the chords and learned how to play and sing at the same time.
    - Jose Gonzalez
  • I always start with the music and then try to figure out what I want to write about lyrically.
    - Jose Gonzalez