Best quotes by Jonathan Levine on Me

Checkout quotes by Jonathan Levine on Me

  • Right after 'The Wackness' came out, it was a really exciting time, and then it was a bit disappointing when it came out. Even though not that many people saw it, I was still getting offered some movies. I was thinking that people would just stop calling me since it didn't do very well at the box office.
    - Jonathan Levine
  • As a director, there's no natural career progression. So after 'The Wackness,' which was very personal to me, I was very, very picky about what I was going to do next, to the point where I think that I was almost too picky.
    - Jonathan Levine
  • My first real television-watching experience was when I watched 'L.A. Law,' like, at 10 o'clock Thursday nights with my parents. They would let me stay up late.
    - Jonathan Levine
  • For me, it's always more interesting to look at things when you don't really have a horse in the race, so to speak.
    - Jonathan Levine
  • For me, I just value my friendships so much. I mean, I love my family, too, but my friends - I have a really special connection with my friends.
    - Jonathan Levine
  • I really don't like when you see improv scenes go on too long. It really bothers me, even if the jokes are good.
    - Jonathan Levine
  • For me, the best high school movie is, like, 'Fast Times' and what Cameron Crowe is like.
    - Jonathan Levine