Best quotes by Johnny Van Zant on Country

Checkout quotes by Johnny Van Zant on Country

  • When we were kids, we said the Pledge of Allegiance because we were proud of this country, and we said prayer. You know, we thanked the good Lord above.
    - Johnny Van Zant
  • We have a lot of friends who are hunters. And you know what? Come hunting season, man, they head to the woods, you know. And again, this country was built on God and guns, folks. I mean, it really was.
    - Johnny Van Zant
  • You don't go to some other country and bash our president.
    - Johnny Van Zant
  • It's for the common people, people who have made this great country of ours. That's what the heck I say we always write about.
    - Johnny Van Zant
  • People are asking us, 'Why have you gone country?' And we say, 'Man, we were born country.' They gave us the tag 'Southern rock' years ago as a way of not saying country.
    - Johnny Van Zant
  • I'm a lover of old traditional country - George Jones, Merle Haggard, Tammy Wynette, Marty Roberts.
    - Johnny Van Zant
  • Some of the country stuff in the past has been so polished - if you were a guy with a nice pair of jeans, a big belt buckle and nice hat, you were country.
    - Johnny Van Zant
  • I think country music is Lynyrd Skynyrd. I think a lot of the country music is what we do, but I don't think rock & roll is dead at all.
    - Johnny Van Zant