Best quotes by John M. Grunsfeld on Time

Checkout quotes by John M. Grunsfeld on Time

  • I grew up on the south side of Chicago in the 1960s, and I think there was a synchronicity of events that inspired me to be an astronaut, and, of course, the backdrop is nothing less than Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. That was a time in our nation where we aspired to great things, and we achieved them.
    - John M. Grunsfeld
  • The '60s were a remarkable time because several things were happening at once. Men were leaving planet Earth, kids were breaking into the television age, and I was able to see Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.
    - John M. Grunsfeld
  • I have dedicated my life to answering the great scientific questions of our time and to the incredible adventure of space exploration.
    - John M. Grunsfeld
  • All indications are that three and a half billion years ago, Mars looked like Earth. It had lakes. It had rivers. It had river deltas. It had snow-capped peaks and puffy clouds and blue sky. Three and a half billion years ago, it was a happening place. The same time on Earth, that's when life started. So did life start on Mars?
    - John M. Grunsfeld
  • All space exploration is risky. As an astronaut, I had to decide each and every time I went to space whether or not to risk my life for the mission.
    - John M. Grunsfeld