Best quotes by Joe Torre on Me

Checkout quotes by Joe Torre on Me

  • My father wasn't the best role model to me.
    - Joe Torre
  • Jerry Coleman was the kind of player who made me proud to wear the pinstripes.
    - Joe Torre
  • As a player, to me the Dodgers were the Yankees of the National League because... you either loved them or you hated them.
    - Joe Torre
  • Spring Training is a fun time for me.
    - Joe Torre
  • I think that winning creates chemistry, as opposed to other way around. I've been on a lot of friendly teams that couldn't win, trust me.
    - Joe Torre
  • The fact that somebody is reducing your salary is just telling me they're not satisfied with what you're doing.
    - Joe Torre
  • I played for 18 years, but the only thing that meant anything to me was the World Series.
    - Joe Torre
  • My 12 years in New York were very, very special, the fans were very special, and it's something I will take with me wherever I go and into retirement.
    - Joe Torre
  • My wife accuses me - and she's probably right - that I'm sometimes oversensitive.
    - Joe Torre