Best quotes by Jinder Mahal on Me

Checkout quotes by Jinder Mahal on Me

  • Definitely, as an Indian, I'm seen as an outsider, and definitely, the jeers come from that. But I enjoy it; I even encourage it. Whatever noise they make when I'm in the ring, it motivates me, drives me to do better.
    - Jinder Mahal
  • In Birmingham, England, I had a match with Tyson Kidd, and Mick Foley was at ringside and delivered a socko to me at the end of the match. That was another one of those moments that, if you told me I would be in the ring with Mick Foley giving me a socko, I wouldn't believe you.
    - Jinder Mahal
  • Rob Gronkowski cost me the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, and I haven't forgot that.
    - Jinder Mahal
  • There was originally no plan in place for me to become WWE champion. It felt like I became the No. 1 contender out of nowhere. I call what I did forcing the results. I wasn't happy with my position. I was putting in the work, but I wasn't getting the results. I was going to force the result no matter what the cost.
    - Jinder Mahal
  • Getting released in 2014 was the best thing that happened to me because I got to regain my focus, regain my pride, and come back as the best-conditioned athlete there is in WWE, which ultimately led me to become the single greatest WWE champion.
    - Jinder Mahal
  • The Big Show and Mark Henry and even John Cena helped me along my journey.
    - Jinder Mahal
  • Two months before I re-signed with WWE, I decided just out of nowhere that I will start dieting, to work on my body and train harder. I started focusing more. Two months later, WWE called me back to re-sign. That was not a coincidence but the universe telling me that I am ready.
    - Jinder Mahal