Best quotes by Jerry Hall on Me

Checkout quotes by Jerry Hall on Me

  • When I moved to Paris at 16, I held a dinner party in my first apartment and served only red wine, French fries, and mashed potatoes. Unable to cook, I relied on people taking me out.
    - Jerry Hall
  • When I was 16 and arrived in France, I discovered chocolate mousse. I was crazy about the bread, too. Every morning, I'd go to the bakery and get a fresh croissant. It made me feel very sophisticated.
    - Jerry Hall
  • When I was 17, I was at La Coupole brasserie, and Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir asked me to join them at their table. They were fascinated that I'd watched their programme on existentialism back home and wanted to understand nothingness and being.
    - Jerry Hall
  • I used to hang out with Salvador Dali a lot. He was such a nice man. I really liked his wife Gala, too. People say that she was tricky, but she was never difficult with me.
    - Jerry Hall
  • I always talk with models and they always tell me how awful it was growing up being tall and skinny. Then when you're older, you're really glad. I think it's nice to have been through a terrible time and then all of a sudden be so lucky because then you appreciate it.
    - Jerry Hall
  • I love yoga... I also see an Ayurvedic doctor, which is an ancient Indian thing. I go and see the doctor to balance my system twice a year; it's preventative. They take my pulse, give me some herbs, and tell me what I should eat and what I should avoid. They rub oil on me too, it's so lovely. It's like a detox.
    - Jerry Hall
  • Then, in 2000, John Reid, Elton John's former manager, asked me to audition for the stage version of The Graduate he was producing. So I worked on it, got the part, and after three weeks' rehearsal I was on stage!
    - Jerry Hall